About the Wright Collection

Janice Teply Wright began creating her collection of luxury evening bags and accessories a decade ago. What began as a hobby has since blossomed into a thriving business. Janice's work is now featured in high-end hotels and boutiques around the world.

The Wright Collection features imported metal based evening bags and other items that come in every size and shape imaginable. The finest Swarovski® crystals from Austria are used to embellish each bag and accessory. The crystals are carefully attached one-by-one, by hand. The process is time-consuming and allows for an incredible range of artistic freedom.

Every item in the Wright Collection is designed and produced by Janice and her talented team in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Janice was born and raised in Casper, Wyoming and has a Bachelor of Science degree in business from Arizona State University and a Masters of Business Administration from Hawaii Pacific University.

Janice enjoys travel, tennis and bridge. She is married to Chatt G. Wright, recently retired President of Hawaii Pacific University.