Lipstick Cases | Black Velveteen Interior

These lipstick cases feature Swarovski® crystals and black velveteen interior. There is a mirror on the inside of each case.

9-A. Large crystal floral design $95.00
4 in. x 1-3/4 in.
Top and edges covered.
9-B. Floral design $95.00
4" x 1-3/4"
top and edges covered
9-C. Colorful polka dot design $35.00
2-1/2" x 1"
9-D. Floral lipstick holder $65.00
3-1/4" x 1-1/4"
top only covered
9-E. Lipstick Holder w/ Pink Heart
9-F. Red square crystals $45.00
9-G. Red Butterfly $95.00
4" x 1-3/4"
top and edges covered
9-H. Multicolored design $155.00
3-1/4" x 2-1/4"
front, back and both sides covered